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Although some video technology can be easy to use we recommend against videotaping your own depositions and legal proceedings. Hiring a certified legal videographer that is impartial and skilled at capturing audio and video accurately is worth the expense. A common misconception is that legal video services are expensive. Action Legal Video provides cost effective legal video services. Over a period of time using video and other trial technology we provide will pay for itself ten fold. Many times attorney think of using video after they missed something critical to their case. Don’t let that happen to you! Contact Action Legal Video to schedule a service. Many of the larger cases use video very effectively. However as technology has become more cost effective so have the cost related to video depositions. Therefore now smaller cases with smaller budgets can also utilize video technology. Very much so! Although the principals remain the same, the way cases are presented today has changed. Technology is very effective in communicating a case to a jury and helps control cost and pace of trial. Many Judges prefer and even demand expert witness be presented by video for these reasons. Video can be used to document meant aspects of a legal case besides depositions. Site inspection utilize video to document the scene of a claim or accident. Videotaping medical exams for review at a future date to dispute claims made by the examiner. Video deposition can be utilized in several ways. It can be played back for a jury or it can be used in conjunction to other trial presentation software. Programs such as Trial director, Powerpoint and Sanction use video clips to very effectively to bolster a case. There are several reasons to videotape a deposition. Depending on the type of case and the circumstances surrounding the case an attorney may chose to use video to capture the witness testimony. Often it is more cost effective to videotape a witness and show that video to a jury in place of live testimony. Live expert testimony can be very expensive. Doctors and experts can charge thousands of dollars to appear live at trial where a video deposition would cost a few hundred dollars. Experts may also charge for travel time and accommodations. FAQs